Apart from essential travel documents, a camera and of course cash and cards, there are a few essential items I always make sure I have before any trip. In no particular order, here are some of the things I never travel without;


Most importantly, malaria medicine. I would normally avoid drugs as best as I can while I’m home but when I travel, this is absolutely essential to pack. The risk of a semi-immune person having malaria greatly increases when you leave the country and a lot of cases end in fatality. The symptoms of malaria are very much like that of a fever and can be easily overlooked in malaria free countries.

Where possible, a malaria kit is the best option to travel with. A kit would typically contain a thermometer, a set of test strips and a malaria drug.

Earpieces and Plugs

More like Ear ‘Peace’. You can’t over emphasize the need for these. Whether you’re using them to block out road noise threatening to keep you awake all night you while you lay in your hostel or listen to music to while away time on that 14hr train/bus ride, you’ll find that big things often come in small packages.

Wipes and Hand Sanitizers

Both needed to keep your hands clean and free of germs to a large extent.

Smaller Bag

small pink bagSmall bags are perfect for in-between trips and weekend getaways. Also, when I travel, I take this in as a hand luggage and pack in some clothes to last a day or two just in case my main luggage gets missing in transit.

Waterproof Seal Bags

These may come in handy for your important documents and gadgets.

Universal Adapters and Power Strips

Apart from the obvious reason why you need these, how cool would it be for your spouse to respond to the question “how did you both meet?” with the answer “well, I saw him/her sitting alone at the airport with an empty power strip and I walked up to ask if I could plug in my phone, the rest is history!”

Haha! No seriously, these are essential for travel.

Vaseline Petroleum Jelly

VaselineSo, this one is not really necessary for everyone but I have an unhealthy addiction to Vaseline. No, I don’t eat it. I just like to smell it and rub it when my hands and feet get dry.

Makeup Bag

Or what you can call a utility bag. Here, I keep handy items like safety pins, needle & threads, et cetera. Might be useful for something!

Ijebu Garri & Groundnut

So, I’m not really a foodie. In fact, I only recently got into trying out new foods in the places I visit. To stay safe, I always carry the life-saving combo of ijebu garri and groundnut for my longer trips but I suspect that this would come off the list soon as I am now beginning to enjoy eating local foods.

A Journal and a Pen (duh!)

travel with a pen

Travel with a Pen, get it? LOL, okay, well travel journals are wonderful. They make a good read later on and help you relive the wonderful moments of your trip. There is no right or wrong way to keep a journal. I write in a book and on my phone and I’m limited to just words for now. But I like the idea of making some form of scrap book out of them. Like pasting boarding passes and post cards, dining receipts and so on.

So, there you have it, my list of essential travel items. What are some of the things you never travel without?

I love to hear from you, Leave a comment here!


  1. I love garri so I can’t even judge you for that. How do people live without it. Great list.

  2. Excellent points here. On many occasions i have been saved by garri and groundnuts….its a no brainer. I never knew there was a malaria kit. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Lmao! Oh no you did not say ijebu garri and groundnutπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚! Shame on you! Anyways here is mine in no particular order.
    1. Wipes, wipes and more wipes. I’m sure you know why. Having a toddler wipes are so damn essential. You need to wipe everything wipeable and have the wipes everywhere.
    2. Extra tee shirt. Believe me as you are changing your baby you probably need to change too.
    3. Red oak unripe plantain chips (or any other kind) and fox cookies. I’m addicted to these and my constant travel buddy eats like a rat at midnight πŸ˜‚
    4. Universal adaptors are an essential for me too.

    • Haha, shaming me cos I love garri?? What an outrage!

      Thanks for sharing your top travel essentials. I’ll definitely keep that in mind when my little one comes along. *rubs belly* Pregnancy announcement, maybe?