This article was first written in March,2020. I update it from time to time when I get new information.

I got married recently and decided to get a new passport to match my new name. Just thinking about the Nigerian passport renewal process alone almost discouraged me from doing so. However, Mark and I figured that it would do us a lot of good in the long run.

It took me about two months to complete the whole process. For many reasons, this time could be much longer or shorter. So if you are planning to change your name on your Nigerian international passport, I advise that you begin as early as you can.

Going through this article might put you off because of how cumbersome the process seems, so I have decided to put up a summary first. You can simply allocate blocks of time to each step so that you don’t get overwhelmed.

Overview | Nigerian Passport Renewal After Marriage…

Newly married? Here's all the info you need to change your name on your International passport and Identity card! Share on X
Nigerian Passport Renewal and Change of Name

This is a summary of the whole process to change your name after marriage. You’ll find a detailed breakdown of each step further down in this post. If you’re looking only to renew your passport, see the Nigerian Passport Renewal Process section further down this post.

Total time will vary; For me, it took: 45 days

Get Married!

Changing your name after marriage Nigeria

Congratulations on your wedding! Obtain a marriage certificate from the registry or any institution authorized to provide it. Laminate, scan and make photocopies of it.

Make your New Name Official

Make your new name official

Get a court affidavit for the change of name and a newspaper publication for the same. I have highlighted the detailed steps further down this post. Laminate, scan and make photocopies.

Update your National Identity Card or Slip Details

Change of name on Nigerian Passport and NIN

Pay a modification fee online and go to your nearest NIMC office to update your records or register for a new one if you have not done so before.

Apply for a Change of Name

Ikoyi Passport Office Nigerian Passport name change after marriage

For a change of name due to marriage, you do not have to travel to Abuja. You can apply at your nearest immigration centre.

Change of Name in Nigeria – The Process

Highlighted Updates from the Comment Section…

Changing your name Nigerian Passport

Change of Name in Nigeria – The Process

There are a few documents you need to get out of the way before you begin. If you opt to adopt a new surname after marriage, you need to make it legal. The first step to setting this in motion is to obtain a marriage certificate. You will typically get this at the registry after your legal ceremony or at any institution authorized to issue one.

Once you have this, work on getting an affidavit for a change of name and a Newspaper publication for the same. I found it easier and more convenient to employ the services of Lawpadi, a legal information platform to help handle this phase. I paid a sum of ₦10,000 for their service at the time.

The fee covered the costs of obtaining the affidavit in court, publication in a national newspaper and the delivery of both documents to my home. The service was excellent and I felt it was good value for money.

(Lawpadi no longer offers this service. Thanks to Abiola for providing this update)

Cost of Publishing a Name Change in Nigeria

If you prefer to take a ‘DIY’ approach, you can begin by contacting the national media house of your choice. The cost to have your name changed in a national newspaper could range from ₦3,000 to ₦5,000. Most newspapers charge the latter and a few of them, like The Guardian newspaper, offer online services. To use this service, you would need to upload your marriage certificate.

Next, you would need to get a court affidavit for a change of name. At the time of this writing, I am unable to confirm what the official cost of this is. I have seen prices ranging from ₦100 to ₦2,000.

Documents Needed for a Change of Name in Nigeria

To get the affidavit and newspaper publication, I had to submit the following documents to the Lawpadi team;

  • Information about my current name, new name, gender, the reason for the change, and so on
  • A copy of my marriage certificate
  • A means of identification showing my current name
  • Passport photograph

Once you have the affidavit and newspaper publication, laminate and make photocopies of them because you’ll be needing these copies almost everywhere else.

The next document you would need is a National Identity Slip or Card. As of the time of writing this article, you cannot get a new Nigerian International passport without this. So, If you haven’t registered for one before, you should do so. But if you have, you would need to apply to modify your existing details.

Getting a National Identity Number (NIN) or Card in Nigeria

Getting a National Identity Number (NIN) or Card in Nigeria

To get a new national identity number (NIN) or card, follow the steps below;

  • Fill the pre-enrolment form online. This is optional, however, it could help speed up your actual enrolment.
  • After submitting your application, download and print the pre-enrolment slip.
  • Go to the nearest NIMC registration centre with the slip and other supporting documents. You can find all the available centres here. You can also make inquiries at your nearest local government office.
  • There, officials will enter the details of your application, take fingerprint biometrics and your photo. Be sure to crosscheck the details entered on your behalf. If it is entered wrongly, you would need to follow the process below to modify it.
  • It takes 1-5 working days to get your NIN slip. This slip (and not the card) is the most important thing as it has your NIN number written on it. You can laminate it and use it as a formal means of identification.
  • Read more about the process on the NIMC’s website

Documents Needed to Get a National Identity Card in Nigeria

These are the documents needed to enrol for a new National Identity Number or Card;

  • Filled enrolment form or pre-enrolment slip
  • A valid means of identification. This could be your international passport, driver’s license, voter’s card, etc. For a full list, see the NIMC’s website.

Cost of Getting a National Identity Card in Nigeria

The NIMC’s website says that enrolment is free. I have since found that this is not always the case. Officials in most centres will demand a fee from you. I had to pay ₦3,000 to get my first slip and ₦5,000 to get another one bearing my new name.

Having experienced crossing the Seme Border when it was full of shacks, I know there are ways to get out of paying this amount but you should know that this may result in the process becoming long and frustrating.

Changing your Name on your National Identity Slip or Card in Nigeria

To change your name on your national identity slip or card, you would need to pay a modification service fee. It costs 500 to change most fields, except the ‘Date of Birth’ field which costs 15,000. For a full list of fields that can be modified, see the NIMC’s website. For the payment process, follow the steps below;

Modification to your National Identity Slip or Card – Payment Process

  • Go to to pay the modification service fee.
  • Select ‘Bills & Purchases’ and then choose ‘Pay Billers’
  • In the field that says ‘Who do you want to pay?’, type in ‘National Identity Management Commission’
  • In the ‘Name of Service/Purpose’ field, select ‘Modification of any Other Field Other than DOB – Per Transaction’
  • If you are updating multiple fields, you can choose ‘National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) Fees‘.
  • Fill in the other fields and click on ‘Submit’.
  • Pay the fee with any of the available methods of payment. Keep your RRR code handy just in case you need it.
  • Print out a confirmation slip to take with you to the NIMC centre.

Modification to your National Identity Slip or Card – Documents Needed

What you would need;

  • Filled form – this would be given to you at the NIMC office. The NIMC says this form is free, however, officials in some centres charge 50 for it.
  • Letter of application for the change of name. For Lagos based citizens, this should be directed to the ‘National Identity Management Commission, Alausa, Ikeja. (A template will also be provided to you)
  • Sworn affidavit
  • Newspaper publication
  • Marriage certificate
  • Confirmation of payment of modification service fee.

The process to effect the change is similar to the process of getting a new slip or card. Refer to the last 4 points in the ‘Getting a new National Identity Number or Card’ section above.

How to Change your Name on Your Nigerian International Passport

Change your Name on your Nigerian Passport after Marriage – Documents Needed

Finally, to change your name on your Nigerian International Passport, go to the Immigration office near you. If you are changing your name due to marriage, you do not have to go to Abuja to get it done. In Lagos, you can apply at the passport offices in Ikoyi or Ikeja. These are the documents you would need;

  • Filled form for a change of name on passport
  • Letter of application for a change of name addressed to The Consular General
  • Sworn affidavit
  • Newspaper publication
  • Passport photograph
  • Photocopy of your husband’s passport data page.
  • *30,000 non-refundable administrative fee (according to the Nigerian Immigration Service’s website)
  • *25,000 for a 5-year 32-page passport booklet; 35,000 for a 10-year 32-page passport booklet; 70,000 for a 10-year 64-page passport booklet.

* *These prices may not be accurate. As of the time of this writing, the NIS website presents multiple conflicting information. It may be best to contact your nearest Immigration office for more accurate information.

The Nigerian Passport Renewal and Name Change Process…

Once you have submitted the documents above, the next step is the biometrics capture. This may come a few days after the application for a change of name has been approved. After the approval, you will be notified to go to the immigration office for the biometrics data capture.

Mentally prepare to spend a full day at the centre, however, this could be less. It will take another few days before you receive your passport as the name change request is processed in Abuja. Note that when you get your confirmation slip after the biometrics capture, it will still carry your old name.

You will be notified when your passport is ready to be picked up. You can also track the status of your application through the NIS’ website. The last step in this process is to ‘activate’ your new passport. This process will take an hour or so (for crowded centres).

The officials will run your new passport through a scanner and confirm your identity by taking your fingerprints. And with that, the long process of changing your name on your Nigerian International passport will come to an end!

Note that these final steps also apply if you are renewing your passport for reasons outside of marriage. For example, if you’ve exhausted the pages of your passport. You would need to go to the immigration office with your old one to apply for the new one.

I hope you found this guide on the Nigerian Passport Renewal process useful. Let me know your thoughts or questions in the comment section below!

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  1. Hi Amarachi, thank you for this piece. I am about to start mine, it’s for correction of name, not change due to marriage or divorce. I have applied online and I don’t know the next step. I feel I am meant to submit documents physically but I am not sure where to submit to. My NIN details and all required documents are available.

    Thank you

    • Hi Anu, I think your best bet is to visit your nearest passport office to ask about the next steps. I checked online and found this Nigerian Immigration page for name correction but it doesn’t say anything about a physical submission. Was this the site you applied through?

      • Yes, thank you. I would do that and probably update you. Apparently, the processing is now online, agents may help fast track tho. I spoke to an agent and he told me the correction of name is N250k, I was surprised when I saw N30k on the website. I am sure I would get clarity when I visit any of their branches.

      • Hello..please I am feeling the form for my change of name to my husband’s name,on the application form for the new passport, is it my old name I will put there or the new name?

  2. Hello Pls My wife submitted her document for name change since March, but no headway yet. Please how can you help on this

    • Hi Cornelius, I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do as I don’t work at the Immigration office and no longer have a link to anyone who does.

  3. Thank you for these helpful tips on Changing a name as well as renewal of passport. I have painstakingly gone through this info. Well, I started my passport renewal application process on the NIS portal with my new name. I am yet to submit it. My question is: after submitting it, do I need to go and complete the change of name form on the site or do I go ahead with my renewal form with my new names and documents to the immigration office on the day of biometric capturing?

    • Hi Mary, this is a bit different from how I renewed mine. I went directly to the Immigration Office and filled my forms there. I didn’t go through the site, so unfortunately, I can’t advise you on what to do next. You do need to complete a change of name form to enable you renew you passport with your new name. It might be best to contact the Immigration Office directly for more details.

  4. I applied it to update my NIN and it was seamless. Thanks a lot!

  5. This was really helpful. Thank you!

  6. Hello Amara!

    My International passport is getting expired in few months time and I want to change the last name on it. The challenge i am having is that my NIN last name is different from the last name on my passport.
    What am i going to do? I hope is not going to over cost me much of money and months. I will be looking forward to your feedback.

  7. Waoh! This is a great eye opener, thank you so much Amara for this great piece, it is actually in my quest to gather info on how to renew my international passport with a change of name to my husband’s name that led me to your blog and the info here is really helpful, Can you please link up with an immigration officer who I can contact, am asking you for this favour Amara because of the purpose I need the passport for, it’s a time bound issue at hand. I’ll appreciate if you can respond to my request. Thank you.

  8. hi Amara
    I my wife did her NIN before marriage and when we wanted to do passport we were told that she needs to update her nin by changing her surname to mine, she has done that and uptil now we have not been called for capturing its been 4 weeks now

    • Hi John, reading Abiola’s comment pinned above, it seems that the NIN update *could* take that long, but if you still haven’t received a call, you should go find out the update from the NIMC centre. Getting a contact at the office could also help.

      • Pls, is it possible to change date of birth on my passport nd sir how many years can it be reduced to bcs additional 12years was added to my age moreover all my documents and credentials contain my real age but I heard that it’s only 9 years that can be deducted from the age on the passport… Pls is it possible for me to change it to my real age?

        • I don’t know about the age reduction limitation but it is possible to change your date of birth on your passport, provided that you have the right documents to do so. Please visit your nearest immigration office for more information. My knowledge is limited to my personal experience when I changed my name.

    • Wow, thanks for this update, Abiola! This is so comprehensive and helpful. Thanks for taking the time to write in detail about the procedure. I have pinned the comment to the top, hopefully, people looking to change their names will find it.
      Regarding the passport update: I also had an officer who facilitated the process for me but in a travel group I’m on, a few people mentioned that they got their passport done without any officer. So I guess it’s possible?

  9. Hi Amarachi
    Thank you for this helpful article. I am a man and had a change of name recently. I am trying to effect it on passport too but this article seems to address for married women alone. I have been getting conflicting information as to the requirements. I have already done a court affidavit, done a new NIMC with my new name, done a newspaper publication, so i think I have all the requirements.
    However, I am told that it can ONLY be done in Abuja HQ so I don’t know how true this is. I have an immigration officer’s number whom I’m in contact with but I think he’s making the process seem even more cumbersome for me and asking for over N100,000 which I think is too exhorbitant.
    Can you please explain to me, the ways to go about it? Must I go to Abuja to get it done? Thank you!

    • Hi Abdul, I spoke to a colleague who recently changed his name and tried to update his international passport. He was also asked to go to Abuja to effect the change. He hasn’t done so yet and so, unfortunately, I have no insights into what the process entails.

      • Thanks Amara. I’m following up on mine. Hopefully, I’d be able to help the community with more info after successfully doing it.

  10. Fabulous Quadri

    Hi Amarachi . This info is very enlighten. I am about to change my name on my international passport. The second page on their website asked me of my name. Am a lot confused because I don’t know if the name asked is the old name or the new name.
    The instruction reads : provide your name as it is written in your official document.
    I only have two official documents ie
    Expired International passport which carries my old name and NIN which carries my new name.

    • Hi Fabulous, can you leave the link to the website? I’d have a look. But based on my [limited] understanding, it should be your new name if there’s only one spot for your name. Your NIN with your new name is sufficient ID.

      • Fabulous Quadri
        It will take you to the first page.. Roughly fill it so as to access the second page, where name is asked.

        • Oh, I’ve been on this website before. I’m 90% certain that it has to be your new name. But if you can, you should try to contact an immigration officer to confirm. Alternatively, there’s a small popup where you can ask a question on the site. Hopefully, someone reaches out to you asap.

        • Plz Ma, i lost my passport years back. It has actually expired. I have the information on the data page. I want to do renewal and COD. Can u hook me up to an officer that can be of help. Thanks so much

          • Hello Fanny, I’m sorry I no longer have any contact details for officers there. Maybe try going to Ikeja? I’ve heard the process is easier and swifter there.

  11. Hello. Thanks a lot for this post. It was very helpful. I want to change my name on my passport to my new name . My old passport bearing my maiden name has also expired. I followed your instructions and went to the immigration page and clicked on the change of name due to marital status. When I submitted the application, the amount ti be paid was 17000 and nit 30,000. So please can you clarify?

    • Hi Seleya, at the time I wrote the article, the NIS website had multiple conflicting information and it was difficult to verify the price. I ended up not paying through the website and instead, visited the immigration office to get it done.

      • Hi Amarachi,

        You know the NIS has a new system where you have to fill the form online and pay for the application, thereafter, you will get an appointment date to go for an interview at the immigration office in your location. The immigration officers are not allowed to receive money at the centres anymore. Is there anyone you can link me up that can tell which one is the appropriate application? The change of data due to other reasons 30,000 or the change of data due to marital status, 17,000?

        Thank you

  12. Thanks for this info, super helpful. I see you keep updating it to make sure it’s relevant- I reached out to Lawpadi, they said they no longer offer the service. I’ll let you know if I hit any other roadblocks.

    • Thank you so much! I will update it with this info. I wonder why they stopped this service. It was so convenient and helpful.

  13. Love how detailed this is,
    I was almost losing my mind on not finding valuable or detailed information on this process from NIS. I just stumbled on your blog and it turned out to be an answered prayer. Love love your blog.
    Thank you so much❤

  14. Hi Amarachi,

    Thank you for sharing this. I have been able to start the process and I have submitted my documents at the Immigration office and they said I have to wait for approval before I come for biometrics.
    My question is did anyone call you when it was approved to give the go-ahead on going for biometrics? Or how did did you know when to go?

    • Hi Adaobi,
      I had a contact person at the immigration office who called me when the change of name application was approved. I’m not sure if there’s a way to check it online. It took about 2 weeks between the approval date and when I went to get my biometrics taken.