How to Plan a Fantastic Overnight Trip from Tokyo to Hakone

When visiting Japan for the first time, I highly recommend taking a trip from Tokyo to Hakone. This beautiful mountainous town, located about two hours from Japan’s capital city, is best known for its hot springs (onsen), boiling sulphur springs […]

2023: The Year in Review

Welcome, one and all, to the 2023 edition of my blogging year in review! Every year since 2016, I have written a monthly recap of all the wonderful adventures I had during the year. It may seem weird, but I […]

We Summited Africa’s Second Highest Mountain!

There are many words to describe how I feel writing this article, but the overwhelming feeling is pride. Over four days, Mark and I hiked through the Mount Kenya range and reached the summit of Point Lenana (4985m) – the […]

101 Best Places to Visit in Africa

Travelling to and around the African continent is a dream many travel enthusiasts have. From stunning beaches with perfect year-round weather conditions to incredible landscapes and wildlife, the continent, with its 54 countries, has so much to offer to every […]

Picnics & Champagne in Champagne Ridge

In full disclosure, despite the title of this article, we did not have champagne in Champagne Ridge. We did have some wine – which I will now refer to onwards as ‘champagne’ because I can. It is only proper that […]

benin republic

My Travel Journey: Thorns & Roses

By Amarachi x 0 Comments

I’d like to say EVERY single moment of the time I have spent travelling have been all fun and rosy but that would be a lie. I have had a few not-so-great experiences and I’m not talking about the time […]

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Sleep, Eat, Do: Agra

By Amarachi x 0 Comments

Agra is a city in Uttar Pradesh state, northern India. It’s about 5hrs drive from the country’s capital, New Delhi and the city’s major attraction is the iconic mausoleum, Taj Mahal. I spent only a day here as part of […]

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Nomads for a day in Tanzania

By Amarachi x 0 Comments

‘Maasai’ means people that speak the ‘Maa’ language. They are a semi-nomadic ethnic group living in southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania whose lives majorly revolves around caring for their cattle. In the past, they have been known to be fully […]

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12 days in 3 minutes: Safari & the Beach Movie

By Amarachi x 2 Comments

For our trip to Tanzania, my sister & I went on safari to four national parks in 6 days and spent another 6 days in Zanzibar. Here’s a short video of how that went. I hope you enjoy it? I […]

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The JJC’s Guide to Travel Videography

By Amarachi x 0 Comments

One of my favorite things to do after a trip is to make short movies. These movies summarize an entire trip in less than 5 minutes (some take a minute only). I first started making them after a friend of […]

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Stories from Africa & Around the World

"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There's no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open" - Jawaharial Nehru

Destinations that Inspire

Travel with a Pen is a Nigerian Travel Blog showcasing Nigeria and Africa Travel. On this blog, I share budget-friendly tips and breakdowns for travel within Africa and the rest of the world. I hope that by reading the articles here, you’re inspired to travel more and differently too!

Castle Forest Lodge

Camping & Hiking at Castle Forest Lodge

We set out from Nairobi at about 7:30 a.m. for a trip to Castle Forest Lodge, where we would spend […]

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travel to kigali

Budget Friendly Destinations for Nigerian Travellers

Is there such a thing as a budget friendly vacation or destination for Nigerians these days? In the time it […]

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Kenya Travel with a Pen

Nigeria to Kenya – Travel Costs and Trip Breakdown

How much would it cost for a week-long trip from Nigeria to Kenya? In this post, I will be highlighting […]

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