Welcome again to 2021! Honestly, I’m not sure why I am writing a travel wishlist this year considering the fact that a few countries have already begun putting another phase of lockdown in place. Yes, the pandemic is not yet over even though life seems to be returning to normal in certain places.

Here in Nairobi, Kenya, ‘normal’ for me is continuing to work from home, a 10 pm curfew and wearing a mask everywhere I go but at least I can still ‘go’ and I’m very grateful for that. Even though the prospects of travel in 2021 aren’t looking too bright at the moment, I’ve decided to put on my super optimistic hat and write my travel wishlist anyway.

San Francisco to Monterey Drive
This is my super-optimistic hat!

As I mentioned in my 2019 travel wishlist post, I believe in writing down the vision. Ultimately, I believe there’s a ‘luck’ element involved but it’s been amazing looking back at old lists and seeing how many items have been achieved. Some of them, with minimal effort from me.

When I think about how the opportunities that led me to Mark, got me to work in Cairo for 3 months and move to Nairobi, I think about a quote by Paulo Coelho in the Alchemist and I write my life and travel wish lists, do my best to work towards achieving my goals and pray that the universe conspires in helping me do so.

'And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.' — Paulo Coelho Share on X

All this to say, here are the places I hope to visit in 2021. Or 2022, I’m flexible, universe! 🙂

My Travel Wishlist: 10 Places I Hope to Visit in Kenya

It’s been very exciting living in another country for the past few months. Kenya is gorgeous and there are so many places I’m hoping to visit during our time here. We have already begun ticking off some items on our Kenya Living List, visiting the Masai Mara, a few places in Nairobi (like the Giraffe Centre, Karura Forest, Nairobi Arboretum, amongst others), Naivasha and the coast.

Feeding Giraffes in Nairobi

This year, Mark and I hope to venture out of the city more. I have begun planning for that by signing up for 2 hiking tours with Winnie of Justrioba.com and working with Aina of Ainadadablog to plan out trips to the coast. I’m also excited to explore more places with Mark and our friends here in Nairobi.

These are 10 places I hope to visit this year and I already ticked off place number 6! Be sure to look out for the post on this hike.

  1. Ngare Ndare Forest – March 2021
  2. Kilifi – March 2022
  3. Diani – January 2021
  4. Mombasa – January 2021
  5. Lamu – May 2021
  6. Mount Longonot – January 2021
  7. Champagne Ridge – February 2022
  8. Ngong Hills – May 2021
  9. Kenton & Nathan Hills – May 2021
  10. Sleeping Warrior – February 2021
Travel Wishlist Mount Longonot
Mount Longonot Aerial View by the Kenya Wildlife Service

My Travel Wishlist: 10 Places I Hope to Visit Internationally

I don’t know how feasible international travel will be this year. One thing I know though is that I don’t want to undergo more COVID-19 tests than necessary. My first and only one was so painful, the memory still haunts and hurts me to this day.

Having said that, let us pretend everything is back to normal. In a perfect, covid-free 2021, these are some of the countries I would love to visit internationally;

  1. Rwanda – August 2022
  2. Uganda (If I do the Kenya-Rwanda-Uganda trip, I would finally be able to kick off another item off my Living List)
  3. Zimbabwe
  4. Zambia
  5. Seychelles – May 2022
  6. Senegal
  7. Turkey – September 2021
  8. Nigeria – October 2021
  9. West African Road Trip to Ivory Coast
  10. Namibia

Some of these countries appeared on my 2019 travel wishlist. so, Universe, please take this into consideration as you conspire to help me visit these places!

Enough of my list, I would love to read about yours. What places would you love to visit if budget, time and restrictions surrounding the pandemic allow? Please share them with me in the comment section below!

I love to hear from you, Leave a comment here!


  1. After seeing your list of places to visit in Kenya, we want to move there too 🙂 Our plans are mostly limited to nearby countries, chiefly the Balkan region, perhaps Italy in summer. Though we are dreaming of otherworldly Namibian landscapes and of Jordan. Travel is so stressful during this time that we really prefer to lay low and wait.
    p.s. Why was your pcr test so traumatic?

    • Kenya is a beautiful country with lots of sights to see, I’m sure you’ll love it! 🙂 Italy in the summer also sounds delightful! Hopefully, we defeat this pandemic and life and travel return to normal this year.

      About my PCR test: argh! It was the nasal swab that caused me the most pain and resulted in a headache that lasted 2 days!

  2. Mombasa seems nice. Many people touring Kenya have a stay there… I also like the idea of touring Uganda but I think it’s best after the political tensions are quelled and internet’s reopened

    Happy New Year Amarachi!!! You truly love Nigeria to have it on your list.

    • Happy New Year, Eromonsele! Following the news in Uganda. It’s such a shame what’s happening there. We really need to get things together on this continent!

  3. Won’t I move to Kenya like this? So many choices!

    So my 2021 list

    1. Abuja
    2. Kaduna
    3. Kano
    4. Jos

    1. Senegal
    2. Gambia
    3. Cape Verde
    4. United Kingdom

    I still haven’t had to do a covid test yet and I’m hoping I don’t, so please covid go away.

  4. I will love to visit all of Ghana’s neighbours; Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and the epic Ghana – Togo – Benin – Nigeria one day

    • Nice. Will be looking forward to hearing all about the trip when you eventually take it. The West African road trip is crazy and wonderful. You’ll have lots of exciting stories to tell.

  5. Every country in the 🌎 world is on my bucket list ☺…If I’m to choose next ten countries I’m itiching to visit if there is no restriction of time,budget, pandemic etc. They will be: United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Paris, Maldives, Belarus, Cuba,Ghana,Turkey,Morocco